Transportation rules


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1) General terms and conditions of transportation services:

1.1) Passenger and baggage transportation services are provided by the Carrier solely on the basis of a ticket.

1.2) The ticket is a Transportation Agreement concluded between the Passenger and the Carrier, based on which the Passenger shall have the right to use the vehicle and related services exclusively along the route specified in the ticket.

1.3) The ticket is a personal document for traveling by bus and cannot be transferred to another person.

1.4) The ticket is valid from the moment of its payment and is valid until the date and time of arrival at the destination point specified therein.

1.5) The Passenger, upon receiving the ticket in his/her name, confirms that he/she is aware of the terms of this Agreement and unconditionally accepts them.

1.6) The Passenger is obliged to comply with the Rules of Transportation, which are posted on the Website, customs, and international laws.

1.7) When purchasing a Ticket using the Website for a direct journey or transfer, the User shall independently determine a sufficient amount of time for arrival and making the transfer. The recommended waiting time at the transfer point is 4 hours for domestic journeys and 12 hours for international journeys from the scheduled arrival time. The indication in the ticket of the bus arrival time at the stop according to the transport route is approximate and not an essential condition of the Transportation Agreement, the non-compliance of which entails legal consequences for the Carrier.

1.8) The Passenger is obliged to present the ticket for inspection to the Carrier's employee together with an identity document when boarding the bus. When boarding an international bus, the Passenger shall present to the Carrier's employee documents that entitle them to cross an international border.

1.9) The Passenger is required to present a document indicating eligibility for a discount or privilege on services. In the absence of a document confirming the justification for the discount or privilege, the Passenger shall have the right to use the service only after paying an additional fee to the standard (without discount) price of the service.

1.10) The passenger shall keep the ticket until arrival at the destination specified in the ticket..

1.11) If a ticket is lost prior to departure, it can be replaced at the point of sale.

1.12) The ticket shall be a confirmation of the insurance contract.

1.13) The Passenger shall arrive for boarding at least 30 minutes before the departure of the bus. After checking in their baggage at the baggage compartment, the Passenger shall present all necessary documents and hand baggage to the Carrier's representative (driver, controller, etc.), who will designate the Passenger's seat in the bus. If the seating arrangement is specified in the ticket, the Passenger shall take the designated seat.

1.14) The Carrier reserves the right to require the Passenger to move to another seat than the one specified in the ticket. Once the Passenger has taken his/her seat, he/she shall not impede the boarding of other Passengers.

1.15) The Carrier shall have the right to change the bus during the journey, change the Passenger's seat in the bus without their prior consent and notification, or when replacing the bus to ensure the highest quality of the journey. The bus layout provided at the time of ticket purchase is for informational purposes and may be subject to changes in seating arrangement and aisles.

1.16) In case of the Passenger's absence and failure to board the bus at the specified time and departure location stated in the ticket, the Transportation Service Agreement is considered terminated at the Passenger's initiative. The Carrier reserves the right to sell the ticket for the vacant seat.

1.17) For safety reasons, ticketless persons who accompany the travelers and other individuals, except passengers, are not allowed into the bus cabin.

1.18) Children under the age of 12 are prohibited from sitting in seats near the drivers.

1.19) The Carrier shall have the right to temporarily or completely suspend the provision of passenger and baggage transportation services in case of force majeure events (severe weather conditions, natural disasters, epidemics, other emergencies, actions of state authorities, enactment of new laws, military aggression, road accidents, etc.), bus breakdown, or any other circumstances threatening the lives and health of passengers or other individuals, without compensating the cost of the paid passenger and baggage transportation services.

1.20) The Carrier shall have the right to stop the movement of the vehicle (bus) in case of a threat to the life and health of Passengers or other individuals and to continue the movement after such circumstances have ended;

1.21) In case of bus breakdown during transportation, the Passenger shall have the right to:

- Receive a 100% compensation of the Ticket price, which will be considered termination of the Transportation Agreement and absence of claims against the Carrier and the Contractor;

- Transfer to another bus provided by the Carrier. Proper execution of the Transportation Agreement will be considered transportation of the Passenger to the destination specified in his/her ticket. In this case, it will be considered that the Passenger received the services in full and has no claims against the Contractor or the Carrier.

1.22) The Carrier shall have the right not to allow the Passenger to board the bus if he/she comes in a drunken state (with signs of alcohol and/or drug intoxication), with obvious symptoms of a disease that is dangerous to other passengers on the bus, and/or in dirty clothes, and/or violates the rules of conduct in public places, as well as if his/her actions disturb the peace or create a danger to other passengers. In this case, the fare is not refunded, and the Carrier/crew is not responsible for such actions.

1.23) The Carrier may refuse to transport the Passenger during boarding, while the journey is in progress, and disembark him/her at any point along the route if the Passenger violates the terms of this Agreement regarding the order of transportation, disturbs the crew's work with his/her actions, disturbs the peace of other passengers, or poses a danger to others. In such a case, the fare is not refunded, and the Carrier/crew is not responsible for such actions.

1.24) The Carrier shall have the right to engage third parties to provide the services stipulated in the Transportation Agreement;

1.25) The bus makes stops along the route, the number and duration of which are announced by the bus crew. If a Passenger does not adhere to the announced stop time, the driver shall have the right to continue the journey along the route, and the Passenger continues the journey to the destination independently without compensation for the remaining distance. In this case, the Carrier is not responsible for the baggage left on the bus. Such baggage is stored by the Carrier for two days and then transferred to the lost and found office.

1.26) The bus schedule does not include time for the Passenger to process Tax Free.

1.27) In case additional services (such as warm beverages, light snacks, newspapers, magazines, movie screenings, Wi-Fi, internet connectivity, power outlets, pillows, blankets, toilet, air conditioning, etc.) that are optionally provided by the Carrier are not available, the Passenger is not entitled to a refund for the cost of these services.

1.28) The Carrier shall have the right to install video surveillance systems inside the vehicle (bus) to ensure 24/7 passenger safety, in accordance with the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the Council of Europe Convention on Actions against International Terrorism and Human Trafficking.

1.29) Complaints submitted in writing to the legal address of the Carrier are processed within 30 days from the date of receipt. If the Passenger's complaints are related to services provided by partners, agents, or any other individuals on behalf of and in the interests of the Carrier, the processing time for such complaints may be extended to 60 working days.

1.30) The Carrier shall not be liable to the Passenger for legal relations that occurred before or during bus transportation between the Passenger and the Carrier's crew, including those services that were paid to the latter but are not provided for by this Agreement or the Rules of Transportation. The Passenger shall resolve all disputes on such matters independently and shall have no right to make claims against the Carrier.

2) International route transportation policy.

2.1) On international routes, general terms and conditions of transportation services apply, as well as additional conditions specified in clause 4.2. hereof.

2.2) Before using the passenger and baggage transportation service on an international route provided by the Carrier, the Passenger is obligated to familiarize oneself independently with the current border crossing rules and the list of required documents.

2.3) The Passenger during international transportation by road, 12 hours before crossing the border, at the time of crossing the border, and 12 hours after, is required to have valid and properly issued documents necessary for entry into the destination countries, countries along the route, and present them to the Carrier upon request. These documents may include:

2.3.1) European Union passport for entry and/or transit, stay in the territory of the EU countries, Schengen countries or other foreign countries, if the country's domestic legislation does not require the citizen to have other travel documents;

2.3.2) Biometric passport; passport and visa in this passport for entry and/or transit, stay in the territory of the country subject to visa regime established by the country's legislation;

2.3.3) Child's passport, child's travel document, and visa in this passport/document for entry and/or transit, stay in the territory of the country subject to visa regime established by the country's legislation;

2.3.4) For traveling with children, additional travel documents might be required, such as birth certificates, notarized authorization from parents, divorce certificate, court order, etc. The list of documents depends on the legislation of the country the child is traveling to/through/from;

2.3.5) Diplomatic passport, official passport, and visa, if required by the legislation of the transit country or countries;

2.3.6) Veterinary and other documents required for crossing the borders of Ukraine and transit countries with animals;

2.3.7) Other documents required by foreign states for crossing the borders of Ukraine and transit countries.

2.4) During international passenger transportation by road, the Carrier shall have the right, prior to such transportation, to check the presence, but not the authenticity, of passengers' documents necessary for entry into the destination countries, transit countries, and refuse transportation to passengers who, upon their request, have not presented the required documents. The Carrier reserves the right, without providing any justification or explanation, to deny transportation on international routes to any Passenger whose passport or other border-crossing document has expired, notwithstanding any extensions granted by the issuing authority. No monetary compensation shall be provided to the Passenger for any unused ticket in such circumstances.

2.5) If the Passenger violates visa regulations, such as the expiration of the visa or replacement of the passport with another document, the Carrier reserves the right to refuse transportation. No monetary compensation will be provided to the Passenger for the unused ticket.

2.6) The Carrier shall not be obligated to compensate a Passenger for losses incurred due to the Carrier's refusal, in international travel, to transport a Passenger who fails to present the required entry documents for the destination country or countries along the route.

2.7) If, during border crossing, it is determined that the Passenger lacks or has improperly processed documents necessary for border crossing, resulting in any losses to the Carrier, the Passenger shall compensate the Carrier for all incurred losses, including fines, penalties, and legal expenses.

2.8) The Carrier shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages and penalties incurred by the Passenger, including but not limited to those arising from denial of transportation in accordance with the Transportation Rules and this Agreement, delays in departure and during transit, and untimely arrival at intermediate stations.

2.9) The Passenger is fully responsible for violating the legislation of the countries along the route. If the Passenger is detained during individual inspection, checking, or customs formalities due to personal violations, the transportation agreement is terminated, and the bus has the right to continue the journey without the Passenger. In this instance, the fulfillment of the transportation agreement is deemed accomplished, even though the transportation was executed with different specifications than initially planned. The fare is non-refundable, and the Passenger's demands relating to this matter cannot be met.

2.10) Under this Agreement, the Carrier does not provide services and reserves the right to refuse transportation on international routes to persons under 18 years of age traveling without adult accompaniment. No monetary compensation shall be provided to the Passenger for any unused ticket in such circumstances.

3) Bus code of conduct.

3.1) The Passenger is obliged to handle the bus equipment with care and prevent its damage. If the passenger causes damage to the vehicle (bus) or its equipment, the Passenger bears financial responsibility for the incurred damage and is obligated to compensate the Carrier for the related financial loss.

3.2) If the bus is equipped with seat belts, Passengers must fasten and use them as intended. Failure to comply may result in a direct monetary fine imposed on the Passenger or an obligation to compensate the Carrier if the fine was applied due to the Passenger's behavior. The Carrier is not liable for injuries sustained by Passengers who do not comply with this provision.

3.3) Boiling water may only be used with the driver's or bus attendant's permission during a stop to prevent accidents.

3.4) When using the restroom, Passengers shall follow sanitary rules and refrain from disposing of hygiene products or other items in the toilet. Passengers are also obligated to avoid any actions that may contribute to premature filling of the toilet.

3.5) During the journey, passengers may be offered the opportunity to watch movies and listen to music. As the Passengers have diverse preferences and opinions, the Carrier reserves the right to choose movies and music, but may take into account the opinions of the passengers.

3.6) During stops, the Passengers shall ensure that their seat back is upright, the tray table is closed, and the footrest is stowed away before leaving their seat.

3.7) ПDuring the journey, the Passengers are prohibited from:

3.7.1) Transportation of weapons and other items excluded from civilian circulation, dangerous cargoes, including inflammable, explosive, and those that can dirty the vehicle or Passengers' clothing;

3.7.2) Smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs in the cabin, toilet, and service areas of the bus;

3.7.3) Putting feet on the seats, blocking the aisles in the bus;

3.7.4) Creating inconvenience for other Passengers or interfering with the crew's work, distracting the driver from operating the vehicle while in motion;

3.7.5) Making alterations to the ticket and giving it to another person;

3.7.6) Using emergency equipment without necessity;

3.7.7) Walking around the cabin and standing in the aisles while the bus is moving without urgent necessity. Damages incurred as a result of moving around the cabin while the bus is moving will be considered the Passenger's fault.

3.7.8) Putting feet on the seats, lying on the seats or on the bus floor.

3.7.9) Littering in the cabin. Garbage shall be thrown into the trash cans at the stops.

3.7.10) Distracting the driver while driving.

3.8) If a Passenger violates or fails to comply with the bus code of conduct, the Carrier reserves the right to remove said passenger from the bus without providing any monetary compensation for the ticket price.

4) Baggage transportation rules.

4.1) One Passenger is entitled to free transportation of:

4.1.1) Baggage occupying 1 (one) baggage space and having dimensions not exceeding 60x40x40 cm, with a total weight of up to 25 kg.

4.1.2) A carry-on bag weighing up to 5 kg, occupying 1 (one) space, is allowed. A carry-on bag is considered a bag that is easily portable and can be placed under the seat or in the overhead compartment above the Passenger's seat.

4.1.3) Baby strollers when folded;

4.1.4) Wheelchairs when folded.

4.2) If the baggage exceeds the size of 60x40x40 cm and weighs more than 25 kg, it can be accepted for transportation if there is available space in the baggage compartment and for an additional fee. The possibility of such transportation shall be agreed with the Carrier's office at least 24 hours in advance.

4.3) Additional baggage may only be transported if the baggage compartment has enough space, and should not exceed one baggage space. Additionally, a separate payment shall be made to the Carrier. Payment for the additional baggage to the Driver is prohibited. The additional baggage shall not exceed the size and weight of the main baggage. The driver determines the space available in the baggage compartment during boarding, considering the total number of passengers on the bus, distribution by cities, and other factors.

4.4) The Carrier shall not be liable for the Passenger's personal belongings and for keeping of baggage in the bus cabin, for the Passenger's loss of money, jewelry, passport, valuable papers, collectibles, items of scientific value, and other valuables not placed in the baggage compartment.

4.5) The Carrier is responsible only for the baggage that has been accepted for transportation, i.e., the Passenger was issued a baggage tag confirming the acceptance of the baggage.

4.6) The Carrier is not responsible for any damage caused to fragile items, perishable goods, improperly packed items, valuable items (money, documents, electronic and technical devices, etc.) transported in the baggage compartment.

4.7) The Carrier is not responsible for minor or surface damage to registered baggage transported in the baggage compartment, including broken wheels and handles, lost straps, and minor damages such as cuts, scratches, bends, or stains that occurred during normal wear and tear and usage during the journey.

4.8) Oversized items that have not been agreed upon with the Carrier's office 24 hours prior to transportation will not be accepted for transportation.

4.9) Bicycles may only be transported when disassembled and if there is space available in the baggage compartment, and such transportation has been agreed upon with the Carrier's office. If space is available, bicycles will be transported in the baggage compartment of the bus. The bicycle's front wheel must be removed and packed separately, and the bicycle itself shall also be properly packed. A disassembled and packed bicycle counts as two baggage units.

4.10) The Carrier is responsible for the lost baggage transported in the baggage compartment only if it is the Carrier's fault, as proven by the Passenger, but not exceeding the amount of 100 US dollars per person provided that a claim is submitted no later than three days from the departure date of the bus.

4.11) It is prohibited to transport baggage that poses a threat to the safety or health of other passengers, can damage other baggage, or the vehicle. The Carrier shall have the right to refuse to transport luggage if the bus crew suspects that the contents of the bags may cause delays during customs and border control procedures. The Passenger shall have the right to travel without such baggage. In case of refusal, it is considered that the Passenger voluntarily waived such a journey.

4.12) Transporting animals requires the approval of the carrier and a separate ticket. Animals are transported in their own designated seat with a separate ticket. The transportation of animals is limited to designated containers, cages, or other appropriate boxes. Dogs must wear a muzzle during transportation. All animals that are to be transported by the Carrier's bus shall be vaccinated, and the Passenger shall have necessary documentation to confirm this. The Carrier shall have the right to refuse the transportation of an animal if it behaves aggressively towards others, may cause harm to passengers or the bus, or may inconvenience other passengers during transportation. Damages caused by the animal to other passengers or the Carrier shall be compensated by the Passenger in full, taking into account fines, penalties, and any other expenses.

4.13) The Passengers with an excessive amount of baggage that cannot fit into the baggage compartment and refuse to travel, loses the right to a ticket refund. It is advisable to transport excess baggage ahead of time, especially during less crowded bus periods.

4.14) The Carrier assumes no responsibility for storing forgotten belongings and baggage left on the bus. Nonetheless, attempts will be made to locate the owner's forgotten belongings and transfer them to the nearest representative office of the carrier.

4.15) The bus staff may request passengers to show the contents of their baggage if doubts arise regarding journey safety and compliance with customs regulations. In the event that a passenger refuses to comply, the bus staff may refuse transportation of suspicious baggage.


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